Being fit is safer










As Many Rounds As Possible in 20 minutes: (AMRAP)

10 wall ball w/ 20lbs

10 push ups w/ hands off at the bottom

10  Dead Lift w/ 75% of your body weight

Matt Raby: 10 rounds

Tabata Burpee











8 rounds of 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off of Burpees

*Your score is the lowest number you get in any of the 20 second intervals

Neitling: 7

Burpee frosting

For time:


Deadlifts (60% or your 1 Rep Max)
Box Jumps

Then, for some frosting: 25 Burpees

The clock does not stop until the burpees are done.

Saturday: off your a$$ day

Just because it’s Saturday doesn’t mean you should sit around all day.

Do this-

For time:
Row 300 meters
135 pound Push press, 20 reps
Row 300 meters
135 pound Push press, 15 reps
Row 300 meters
135 pound Push press, 10 reps
Row 300 meters
135 pound Push press, 5 reps


If you don’t have a rower run 240 meters instead.  If you don’t have a treadmill, ask Google where the closest 120 meters is (so you can go there and back for 240 m), then go run outside in the rain, cause you’re a badass and a little bit of rain doesn’t bother you.

This guy in the picture stopped sitting around on Saturdays and now he looks like this.

Thirty somethings

For time:

500 meter row

30 presses (shoulder to overhead anyway) 45# dumbbells

30 burpees

30 hang squat cleans with 45# dumbbells

30 pull ups

500 meter row


*You can thank Abe for this one

Snatch balance, then a nice row… or 4.

Snatch Balance

1-1-1-1 (4 sets of 1 rep)


Row 500 meters X 4

rest the time it took to row

One arm snatches. Seriously, thats what they’re called.

21-15 and 9 rep rounds of:
Left-arm Kettlebell snatch, 1.5 pood (55#)
Right-arm Kettlebell snatch, 1.5 pood




*Once you feel confident with 1.5 pood you can move on to this

Bar Hopping Anyone?








Bar hopping burpee Demo: Click Here


5 rounds

5 Squat Clean and Jerk w/ 135lbs

10 Bar Facing Burpee’s

** Sta. 6 crew: 9:50 to 10:45 minutes

“5 Bar Fantasy”










5 complete round w/ approx. 3 min rest in-between

1 Shoulder Press w/ 135lbs

3 Thrusters w/ 115lbs

5 Squat Clean w/ 135lbs

7 Power Cleans w/ 145lbs

9 Dead Lift w/ 225lbs

*If available, set up 5 bars with appropriate weight so you can progress through each movement as fast as possible.

** Scale weight as needed

Run it or Row it, the choice is yours.

For time:

500 meter row or 400 meter run

50 sit ups with feet anchored

500 meter row or 400 meter run

40 hand release push ups (hands off of the ground at the bottom of every rep)

500 meter row or 400 meter run

30 one arm dumbbell or kettlebell squat snatch (15 each arm, 40# Rx, pic appropriate weight)

500 meter row or 400 meter run

20 over head squats (95# Rx, pick appropriate weight)

Runnin’ from the law









For Time:

75 Meter run with a 6′ fence jump after each 50 rep excercise below

50 Backwards walking lunge

50 Box Jumps

50 Hang power cleans w/ 40lbs DB”s

50 Push Press

50 Wall Balls w/ 25lbs ball

50 Knees to Elbows

50 Ring Rows

50 Burpees

50 GHD Situps

50 Back extensions

 *We used the entrance fence at Station 6

Sta. 6 -A crew: 42-45 min

30 Squat clean and Jerks

For Time:

30 Squat Clean and Jerks

*Either receive the bar in a full squat once you’ve cleaned it, or power clean the bar and then squat.  Your choice.